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The name of the project has its origin from a filtered sentence that Roman natural philosopher Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder) wrote for the Greek painter Ἀπελλῆς (Apelles).
On 10th May 2006 the death of a wise person initialized inside me a shades domino effect and the Nullo die sine nota began.
The aim is:

one note in every atom

It's the attempt to travel faster than the shock-wave propagation.
After each impact fragments will generate fragments spread through the Space, creating a net of new worlds.

The root is:

All is Vibration

Molecular, resonant, visual vibration. Artist can delay, locally, the entropic process.
It's a great coming out from ourselves to fall within and listen to the music that we create with our body.
No day without a note, this is my way of life, my answer to the increasing kaos.